貓和老鼠英語作文1 Onedaycatisinthebasket.Itsverylazy.Itissleeping.Nowthecatsfoodisbesidethecat.Onemouseisv下面是小編為大家整理的2023年度貓和老鼠英語作文(完整),供大家參考。
One day cat is in the basket.Its very lazy.It is sleeping.Now the cats food is beside the cat.One mouse is very hungry.It is eating the cats food.The cats food is so yummy.The cat wakes up.He is behind the mouse.He wants to catch the mouse.Sohe is chasing the mouse.The mouse is afraid.He jumps onto the door.But the door is high.The cat cant catch the mouse.The mouse is under the chair now.It is running.The cat still cant catch the mouse.The mouse runsfast.It runs into the hole.The hole is small.But the cat is big.It cant gointo the hole.So the cat is angry and tired.It is crying.Its very sad.But the mouse is very happy.
推薦訪問:作文 貓和老鼠 英語 貓和老鼠英語作文 貓和老鼠英語作文1 貓和老鼠英語作文100字 貓和老鼠英語作文150詞 貓和老鼠英語作文150字