we‘ve been talking about a teacher who influenced you and i’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this
development in education
describe developments in education in your country
compare the experience of your parents
what changes are coming?
national education
what are your countries aims for education
what is the importance of extra-curricular activities
styles of teaching
describe different styles of teaching
what is your preferred method of learning?
should learners be grouped by ability?
other examples
part 2 part 3
describe a parent what is the role of parents in today‘s society
describe a friend is friendship the same in every country?
describe a place should we spend money on national parks?
describe a book are writers respected in your country?
describe a movie is censorship of movies a good idea?
describe a problem is modern life becoming easier or more complicated
describe a happy event how can we increase the role of the family?
text 2
now i‘m going to give you a topic and i’d like you to talk about it for one or two minutes. before you talk, you will have one minute to think about what you will say. you can make some notes.
here is a paper and pencil for you to make some notes if you wish, and here is your topic.
describe a teacher who has influenced you. say where you met them, what subjects they taught, why they were special and how they influenced you.
describe a family member who has influenced you. say how long you have known them them, why they were special, how they differ from the other family members, and how they influenced you.
describe a story, book, or movie that had a big impact on you. describe what it was about, what effect it had and why it was so powerful.
describe a place you visited that had a big impact on you. say when you went and how long you stayed. describe the impact the place had on you and why.
describe an event in your life that had a big impact on you. say when it happened and what the circumstances were. describe how it affected you and why.
describe a friend in your life that had a big impact on you. say how long you have known him or her and how he or she affected you.
describe a person you would most like to meet. describe this person and state why you would most like to meet him or her. what effect would the meeting have on you? what would you say.
describe a time in your life that was difficult. what was the problem? what were some of the things that helped you to overcome this problem? what did you learn from this experience, and what advice would you give others.
describe a time in your life when you helped someone else with a problem. what was the problem? how did you help the other person? what did you learn from this experience, and what advice would you give others? would you help in the same way?
推薦訪問:雅思 典型 話題 雅思口語考試典型話題 2023年雅思口語考試典型話題 2023年雅思口語考試典型話題是什么 2023年雅思口語考試典型話題答案 2023年雅思口語考試典型話題有哪些